WAIS Athlete Blog: Sam Welsford

Published On: 18 June 2015

Sam Welsford (second from left) keeps us up to date from his training camp in Europe

WAIS cyclist Sam Welsford and members of the Australian Men’s Track Endurance squad – have embarked on a European racing trip which will see them based in Belgium, where they will race a number of criteriums in Belgium and the Netherlands before contesting the Fiorenzuola 6- Day Track race.

The group will then travel the USA in July to meet up with members of the national squad for an extended training camp. Whilst in Europe, Welsford will be providing an update in the form of an athlete blog, the first of which can be read below.

Other than training and racing, we haven’t had much spare time to get out and about. Luckily a couple of days ago we got a chance to ride our bikes down to the Zottegem town centre and have a look around.

Oudenaarde is another place we tend to ride to as it’s a nice ride down the canal, with lots of cafes and shops it’s a cool place to check out.

We road tripped it to Holland on Thursday for an 80k Crit. Course had super tight corners with bumps through majority. It was full gas from the start and the peloton was strung out. A small group of three riders snuck off the front early and we didn’t see them again.

Callum and I got into a move late with three others and chopped off till the finish where I sprinted for fourth and Callum ran seventh. All up we collected a few primes and random prizes so it was good fun.

On Sunday, we had a 120km Kermesse in Wettern, a 20km ride from where we are staying.

As the whistle blows for the start, an early break goes and Fitter and I are in it. We roll through for 80km with three others and get caught by two chasing groups of about 15 each. My legs were pretty tired so I tried to recover.

Callum sees that the peloton is hurting and attacks, with a New Zealand rider going with him. Within minutes the move is complete and they are out of sight. Coming into the last half of the race, attacks were being launched left right and centre.

With the peloton reluctant to chase things down, I pulled back a strong move for Dan and Alex so they had a high chance of getting a good result.

Overall, Dan ran fifth and Alex 25th after getting pushed out during the sprint and Callum took the win over the New Zealander in the breakaway.

Good hard day for all.

Sam Welsford